Email Marketing
Email marketing may seem self explanatory, however the DDM team has found that, in general, email campaigns need significant attention for improvement and optimization. ​
It is common for businesses to create or outsource email campaigns as it requires a variety of collaboration from multiple skill sets such as: creative, data analytics, coordination, management, and compliance. Learn more about email marketing below.
Email marketing done differently
The difference maker philosophy is all about utilizing data constructively. When you build up your customer list, a warehouse of information is created about real people who buy your products and/or services. There is a plethora of information about your future business hidden within your data and information you’ve collected about your previous customers. ​
Just as you would treat each customer as an individual either in your store, over the phone, or when chatting to them via instant message or email, we believe that each customer should be marketed to individually because each customer is inherently different with differing needs at different times.
Problem and solution
How can your business communicate with each one of your potential customers individually?
Identify the
Identify the Problem
First, analyze any preexisting or current email marketing campaigns in order to examine results and determine if list fatigue is present. If fatigue has occurred or is occuring, it is imperative that the strategy is tailored to improve and nurture user engagement.
Form the
Form the Solution
Possible strategies consist of broad messaging blasts, individually targeted synchronized campaigns, or both. By defining and measuring key performance indicators it is possible to create customized experiences for each one of your customers, and guide them further along their buying process.
DDM email strategy
There are many moving parts to an email marketing campaign, and each difference maker understands as we’ve launched 1000s of them collectively! Creative ad copy and relevant content are fundamental when composing email strategy. Adaptivity is also very important because emails are a direct 1 to 1 communication with your customers, so it’s imperative that your customers, or potential customers, receive the most accurate and up to date information regarding your products, services, and industry. Also, your campaigns are more relevant if they are composed of information and resources that are current, forward thinking, and helpful to your audience.
The constant barrage
Oftentimes, we hear commonly that people are barraged by information flooding into their inbox. There's a need to standout, but how can we when the average office worker receives 121 emails per day? (LifeWire)
It is essential that we think and act different in order to attain “different” and “superior” results. In order to stand out amongst your competitors, your company's values need to be shown to customers in a way that they feel like they’re receiving a genuine and authentic experience.

• You win by developing your brand and providing value to your customers.
• You win, by being adaptive and reaching your audience at the right time with the right message.
• You win, by being consistent and steadfast in your approach, so you can gain audience trust and capture return for your business. ​ ​
Once your audience understands that your company is a brand they can trust, they will become lifetime customers, and there’s no better channel than email marketing to nurture your customer’s trust.
The plan
There are many behind the scenes components that go into successful email marketing campaigns such as text to image ratio, DKIM send verification, and data hygiene just to name a few. With a custom email campaign programs, you will receive the guidance and concepts that work for your business. A well developed email marketing plan and deliverables include: technical implementation, strategy, creative, content copy, and data analytics. Inquire below to learn more.